Stables Studio
Sunday 9 October 2022 10 am – 4 pm
Tutor: Gail Stiffe
Cost: $80 Members, $110 Non-members
Applications close 1 October 2022
A Craft Contemporary Event
Turn your T-shirts and jeans into fine paper instead of sending to landfill. Learn how to use a Hollander Beater to turn all sorts of natural fabrics into high quality pulp and make extra strong acid free paper. Any fabric that is 100% natural plant fibres can be made into paper. Examples are denim, hemp, linen and cottons. Papermakers of Victoria owns two Hollander beaters. This workshop will use the Valley Beater. Participants will take home with them paper made from denim and T-shirts and will also take a small amount of pulp to use at a later date.
There will be a materials fee of $10 each to cover pre prepared pulp and a materials list will be sent closer to the workshop date.
Bookings are closed for this workshop.