Date: Saturday 7th December
Christmas Social Gathering
Bring a plate to share
Charity donation in an envelope
Time: 12noon
Activity: We will make origami stars to hang on a paper tree.
Trading table and library borrowing
Venue: Box Hill Community Arts Centre
What has been happening at the stables studio?
Two enthusiastic Annes thought it was time to practise what they learnt at Gail’s Kozo workshop. They spent a few hours at the stables in the sun recently working on their Japanese papermaking skills. The result was some beautiful Kozo sheets.
Read more about their day in the next Deckle Edge.
For those who couldn’t attend the AGM
Our speaker Andrea Taylor entertained us with her beautiful indigo fabrics.
News from the sub groups
Our two sub groups meet monthly. Members of these groups are members of Papermakers of Victoria. Yabbers group meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month and Papermates meets on the second Monday of the month. For more information contact us.
This year Yabbers have been working on a range of activities including these boxes and altered books they made recently.
Papermates members have been taking it in turns to teach a box structure.